CAVS has a strong and vibrant membership. It is FREE for charities, community groups, social enterprises and other volunteer involving organisations (e.g. schools) that provide support to people within the Castle Point District.
Becoming A Member
We welcome your interest in becoming a CAVS member. In becoming a member, you will derive numerous benefits:
- CAVS Bulletins that cover a wide range of information about funding streams, training opportunities, partnership working and other news items.
- Safeguarding news/Updates.
- Access to our Volunteer Centre services and the Volunteer management team.
- Electronic distribution of member communications distributed to other membership
- Support and practical advice about issues you may need assistance with.
- Invitations to CAVS Community Breakfasts as a guest, or exhibitor to showcase services.
- A variety of Event Invitations
- Information on VCS Forum meetings, which support and promote partnership interaction
and sharing of knowledge.
- Information about CAVS Schemes and the support that they provide to our local
- An opportunity for you to send us information for sharing with other members and
promotion through our social media channels.
Become A Member